Open Game Play

Open Chess Game Play: All ages and skill-levels welcome!

When: Every Tuesday evening 7:15 pm - 11pm (or so) * * * * * Where: Aurora Turners Club, 1335 Mitchell Rd., in the Banquet Hall, downstairs.

This is just north of Indian Trail, in Aurora, east of Lake Street, west of Farnsworth.

ANCC is affiliated with the US Chess Federation and the Illinois Chess Association.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Changes Coming

We have some changes coming for 2013.  Details to come later.  We are looking to do a tournament to start the year off and perhaps start a ladder system.  In addition we will be requesting a membership fee to help cover some of the costs we incur as a club, but are still working out the details on that as well.  Your input is more than welcome, so please let us know if there is anything you would like to see or anything that you would like to change.  This club is all about the members so we really do need your input!

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