Open Game Play

Open Chess Game Play: All ages and skill-levels welcome!

When: Every Tuesday evening 7:15 pm - 11pm (or so) * * * * * Where: Aurora Turners Club, 1335 Mitchell Rd., in the Banquet Hall, downstairs.

This is just north of Indian Trail, in Aurora, east of Lake Street, west of Farnsworth.

ANCC is affiliated with the US Chess Federation and the Illinois Chess Association.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Wonderful evening of chess!

A great big thank you to many people!  ANCC had several 'reportable' things to talk about.  One, a group of new players to come by and provide very strong play.  All of you gave a great opportunity to expand the varied styles of  play and ensure a large selection of strength, and styles for our ANCC members to play each week.  If you haven't been to ANCC yet, and are thinking about it, you will definitely now have a wonderful opportunity to play against a diverse group of players.

ANCC thanks you, and hope we see all of you each week! 

On a second note of thanks, I wish to thank Mary and Vicki for their enthusiasm for the game and their professional time capturing a snapshot of our ANCC through interviews and photos for the online version of the Chicago Tribune.  You both are welcome anytime to visit on either journalistic terms, or to join us in chess play!  Perhaps we will see you on our Tourney day, 5 June? :)

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