Open Game Play

Open Chess Game Play: All ages and skill-levels welcome!

When: Every Tuesday evening 7:15 pm - 11pm (or so) * * * * * Where: Aurora Turners Club, 1335 Mitchell Rd., in the Banquet Hall, downstairs.

This is just north of Indian Trail, in Aurora, east of Lake Street, west of Farnsworth.

ANCC is affiliated with the US Chess Federation and the Illinois Chess Association.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Upcoming Tournament

For everyone's information, the DeKalb chess club will be hosting a tournament on Saturday, February 23rd.  This tournament is being run by one of our members and is about as close as most tournaments get if you live in Aurora.  I do not have all the details at this point, but DeKalb's tournaments are typically lower cost, in the $15-$20 range with generous cash prizes in each section.  The tentative plan is to have 3 sections, with the lowest being a U1200.  It would be great to have a strong showing from the Aurora Naperville Chess club on the 23rd!  I for one am hoping to be able to make it and hope to see many familiar faces.

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