Open Game Play

Open Chess Game Play: All ages and skill-levels welcome!

When: Every Tuesday evening 7:15 pm - 11pm (or so) * * * * * Where: Aurora Turners Club, 1335 Mitchell Rd., in the Banquet Hall, downstairs.

This is just north of Indian Trail, in Aurora, east of Lake Street, west of Farnsworth.

ANCC is affiliated with the US Chess Federation and the Illinois Chess Association.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Tomorrow Night 22 Nov.

I am looking forward to seeing many of our ANCC chess players tomorrow night during our regular Tuesday night club time. Plus of course, newcommers are welcome as well!!

Start off (for many) the holiday break with action across the board! Come down to enjoy the great company of those in the ANCC; play a longer game to settle in for the long break, analyze other games, play shorter games to lighten your mood for a wonderful holiday break, or just visit with the great people of ANCC. Lately, we have had some good games @45, and @60min. I will post some of those soon, as well as some pictures that capture the moments. I would also encourage players to try some timed games using 'stages' as we do in our matches, modifying the lengths of time if desired.
If you have never tried this, it can have an interesting effect on the game where you might struggle to get to a certain part of the middlegame/endgame, but then get that next stage of time to soundly finish out the position you entered into.

So, until tomorrow night, when I will see all of you! :)
Darin for the ANCC

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